SSP (School Sponsorship Project) UPDATE MARCH 2024

SSP (School Sponsorship Project) 2024 2024 marked 20 years of doing this particular outreach under Servant Ministries!  10s of 1000s of children have been impacted in one way or another by this project.  We reached out to 9,641 children this year!!!!  We covered 82 schools; including 6 new schools that we picked up plus also providing school supplies to our Embrace children who attend school.  Two teams assisted in going out to put these basic school packs into the hands of each child.  So many stories and testimonies came back from experiencing the gratitude and joy on the part of both the children and the teachers!  Some team members were able to actually do the handout at the school that they personally sponsor.  What a feeling to know that you are giving each student the ability to do their studies and gain an education that can give them a “better future”.  There is no way to explain how much work goes into this outreach; from looking for funding, doing collections, purchasing the materials and in some cases having to ship those materials, to the filling of the bags, and then the transportation and distribution of those packs.  Only God knows the amount of energy and manpower that goes into this completed process!  But how do you put a value on giving a child the ability to learn to read and grow in knowledge?  Every moment invested was well worth the effort that it took; especially when you have the opportunity to look the children in the eyes as they receive this important resource!  I want to thank everyone who has had a part in one way or another to make this outreach possible.  We will be reaching out soon to begin the process, all over again, for the 2025 distribution.  Please prayerfully consider what you can do to keep this important outreach going, as we impact the lives of so many children!

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