Efraim Lopez is 70 years old and his wife is 60 years old.  They still have a 16-year-old son that lives at home and he is the one that does agricultural work to support the family; earning about $65 a month.  Their house was in very poor condition and they did not have the ability to change that.  Their comments “We are so grateful for the assistance that we have been given.  There is no other institution that gives this kind of help to those in our circumstance, like Servant Ministries.  As the Bible says that it is more blessed to give than receive; we pray that the Lord will bless this ministry abundantly!”


Lucia Suchite is 69 years old and has been a widow for 2 years.  Lucia was out looking for work one day when someone came to inform her that her house was on fire.  She lost everything; her house, her personal belonging, her food stash etc.  She sought out Pastor Alvaro to see if there was anything that the church could do to help her.  Pastor Alvaro talked to Sister Nancy and they took on the project immediately to reach out to Lucia.  Her comments, given with tears in her eyes “I am so thankful for this assistance.  I have been a widow for 2 years and I have no one to help me.  Thank you so much for the wood and tin provided to help me to start over again.  May God bless everyone that was involved!”


Felipe Diaz is 65 years old and has been a widow for 6 years.  She goes to another church in the area.  She has a teenage daughter that is still at home with her that is going to school.  The daughter also does field work to support them; earning about $40 a month.  Their house was falling apart and they had no means to improve that.  Her comments “I am so thankful for this blessing.  Praise God that Servant Ministries reaches out to those in needy to help lift them up to a better life!  May God bless them abundantly for their outreach to the poor.”

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