La Puente

Cruz Vasquez is 85 years old.  She has been a widow for 16 years.  Due to her age, she is unable to go out and work.  she has a son that provides her food and buys clothes for her when necessary.  Her house was in very poor condition and the church reached out to her.  Her comments “Thanks to the Samaritan Project and to Servant Ministries who oversees it.  I am grateful for what is done to reach out to the poor and to assist them in this way.  It is a blessing to me and to others that are being reached through this project.  God bless all that make this possible; for me and for others.”  This project was done by the Family Foundation funding.

Francisco Ramirez is 70 years old and has been a widower for several years.  He works in the area of doing agricultural work for others; earning about $25 a month.  His house was in poor condition and the church selected him as a candidate.  His comments “Thank you so much for allowing me to be a candidate of this program; it has been a tremendous blessing to me.  May God bless everyone that had a part in making this possible.”  This project was covered by funding of the Family Foundation.


Jose Perez is 65 years old and has been a widower for a number of years.  He does field work for others; earning about $25 a month to support himself.  His house was in very poor condition and the church reached out to assist him.  His comments “Thank you for choosing me to receive this tin roof for my house.  I am so grateful to having been selected; as I am unable to buy materials to have a house like this.  May God continue to bless Servant Ministries even more; for all that you do!”

Jose Ramirez is 69 years old and married.  He cuts and sell firewood for a living; earning about $25 a month.  His house was in very poor condition and the church wanted to help him.  His comments “Thank you so much for allowing me to be a recipient of this outreach.  I am so grateful that now my wife and I can live in a better house and not worry about getting wet when it rains.  May God bless in a special way everyone who had a part in making this possible.” 


Humberta Suchite is 61 years old and married.  Her husband does agricultural work for others; earning about $40 a month for their support.  Their house was not in a good condition and the church reached out to improve their situation.  Her comments “I am so thankful to Sister Nancy for the help that I have received.  My husband and I now have a worthy place to call home with a tin roof.  May God bless you!”

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